Friday, March 12, 2010

Your wisest decisions will come out of your prayer closet.

For those who don't know, I am tying the knot July 31...finally, I know!

With that being said, almost every thought that crosses my mind has to do with the wedding! One thing I realized very soon was how expensive everything was/is! I knew a wedding would cost money but I guess I never realized how much money, if that makes any sense. Any who, God has amazed us (like He does everyday) and has allowed our families to provide for this wedding in ways I never thought possible! So of course, a little stress and worry comes along with the territory! So last night I thought, WHY ARE YOU STRESSING?? My favorite scripture after all is Ephesians 4:6-7, Do not worry about anything, pray about everything, and God will give you peace of mind. God has always proven faithful! So I prayed about the wedding (which to be honest, I hadn't done in a while) and put it in God's hands.

Then this morning, I get a phone call from my sister, who is amazing, and the first thing out of her mouth was, "I am going to deposit $$$ in your account for the wedding, what is your account number?" SO of course I gave it to her! WOW! After I hung up the phone, I called Israel (which shouldn't have been my first action) and told him, then I thanked God! It should have been the other way around, God FIRST, then Israel, but I am working on it! I know in my heart, but somehow, lose sight of it, that God should get all the praise and glory, because we do not do anything on our own!

Then, as if God really wanted to get his point across, I saw this on Chris Galanos' (our pastor) facebook status, "Your wisest decisions will come out of your prayer closet." Couldn't have been put any better!


  1. Wow Kayla I needed to read this today! I'm struggling with Worrying about how to pay for my adventure in Australia, and thank you so much for reminding me why I shouldn't!

  2. Kayla that is just awesome. Sounds like things are working out for you. God is just so awesome!!
